基督信徒 - 心灵寻求者

Give praise to Yeshua

Listen to the Word of YHWH 你们必晓得真理, 真理必叫你们得以自由.
Believe you will be Save

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Olam Haba !------------!------------!--------------!---------------! Olam Haba

                           Tohu     Torah       Days of         Athid
                                                            Messiah    Lavo

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阅读汉语 圣经 GB Big5

View both English and Chinese Bible together

Our prayer is for faithful sower and the seed  that will fall on good ground
"有耳可听的, 就应当听"

Matthew Chap 13:18-31|Mark Chap 4:3-9|Luke Chap 8:5-18

圣 经 教 导 我 们 甚 麽?