History of Israel AD 70 - 1995

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Posted by Jewish History on July 08, 2001 at 04:07:08

Important Dates in the History of Israel


Imperial Rome puts down Jewish revolt, temple destroyed.

Jews had dreamed of returning to their homeland. Each spring at Passover, Jews celebrated their ancestors' freedom from slavery in Egypt. The uttered word of comfort one another with the vow "next year in Jerusalem"


First Crusade; crusader attack Jews.


First recorded "blood libel" in Norwich, England


Pope Innocent II decreed that all Jes should wear a "yellow badge of Shame" on their breast to identify themselves as Jews.


Louis IX of France ordered Jews to wear a second badge on the back of their outer garments "so that those who were thus marked might be recognized on everyside" Jews had to defer to Christian people, Christian places, and Christian observance. They could not speak of their religion, but Christian could pressure them to convert and to be baptized.


Statues of Kalisz protects Polish Jews.


A converted Jew who had taken the name "Paul Christian" convinced Louis IX of France that the way to convert Jews was to win them to faith by persuasive preaching.

The King Louis IX of France issued a decree requiring Jews to attend Christian sermons.


Cossacks under Bogdan Chmielnicki Slaughter Jews during a revolt against the Polish nobility.

A.D.1801-1825 Czar Alexander on the throne

When Czar Alexandar I came to the throne, he established new, liberal policies for common folk of Russia, including Jews. He placed Jews on par with gentiles; they could own land and farm it. follow any trade and attend any school they wished but did not last long.


Czar Alexander I creates Pale of Settlement.


Nicholas I heaped additional hardships upon the Jews and cast them out of the Grodno and Kiev Districts.


Nichlolas instituted compulsory military service for Jewish males 12-18 years of age. Boys kept in the army for 25 years but most who never saw their families again.


Theodore Herzl born May 2 in Budapest, Hungary.


Pogrom in Odessa. Russia.


Begining of First Aliyah; Leo Pinsker publishes Auto Emancipation.


Pinsker becomes president of Hovevei Zion.


Public degradation of Dreyfus on January 5.


Herzl publishes Der Judenstaat February 14.


First Zionist Congress begin August 29.


Sultan Abdul Hamid of the Ottoman Empire which controlled Palestine, agreed to consider granting territory for a Jewish homeland in exchanged for funds to relieve his empire's debt.

Jewish National Fund founded.


The Kishinev Massacre: The tragedy began in April soon after Czar Nicholas II (weak, superstitious man, last of czar of imperial Russia) succeeded to the throne. Just before Easter, the city of Kishinev buzzed with a horrifying rumor: Jews had killed a young Christian man for Passover ritual. The leaders of the Jewish community tried to counteract the rumor but to no avail.

British offer Herzl territory in Uganda.


Begining of Second Aliyah; Herzl dies July 3.


Word War I begins July 28.


Britain issues Balfour Declaration November 2.


Armistice ends World War I on November 11.


Begining of Third Aliyah.


British receive mandate to rule Palestine.


Begining of the Fourth Aliyah


World Union of Zionist Revisionists founded.


Begining of Fifth Aliyah


David Ben-Gurion becomes chairman of Jewish Agency.


Formation of Irgun paramilitary group.


British White paper of May 17 calls for a combined Jewish-Arab state in Palestine; Germany invades Poland September 1; World War II begins.

from 1939-1945 Under the dictatorship of Adof Hitler a vicious anti-Semite, Nazi and a mass murder became know as the Holocaust. The survivors were left with shattered lives.


Founding of Lehi (the Stern Gang).


Lehi extremists assassinate Lord Moyne in November.


German forces unconditional surrender to Allies May 7.


Bombing of King David Hotel on July 22.


Nov 29 crowds gathered in the streets of Jerusalem waiting for an announcement that would change their lives

United Nations votes to partition Palestine November 29. The voting began at 5:00pm It ended with 33 nation infavor of Partion, 13 opposed and 10 abstaining. "This is the day that the Lord hath made! "Let us be glad and rejoice therein!


April 9 A combined Irgun-Lehi assault group attacked the village and killed 254 unarmed civilians, including women and children. - Massacre at Deir Yassin.

Both the Jewish Agency and Haganah issued statement condemning the attack on Deir Yassin. David Ben Gurion sent King Abdullah of Jordan a message of apology and regret.

May 14: With the British mandate scheduled to end at midnight, 400 people gathered in the Tel Aviv Musuem for the formal reading of their Declaration of Independence.

July 8: - 10 days war, Egyptian forces under General Muhammad Naguib moved on Israelis positions in the south, bringing an early end to the cease-fire. In 10 days of fierce fighting, the IDF took Arab territory all over Palestinge, capturing the town of Nazareth and much of the lower Galilee.

July 11 - Lydda's international airport fell to troops under the command of Moshe Dayan the one who save Kibbutz Degania. Moshe Dayan is a daring young officer who was a member of the British forces in World War II, he lost an eye during a vital reconnaissance mission into enemy territory. He was famous for his unorthodox Tactics - Yadin

Israel declares its independence begins one day later.


Israel's first election January 25; Ben-Gurion becomes Prime Minister.


Suez-Sinai War begins October 29.


Six-Day War begins June 5

Just over 10 years later after the Israel's army defeated the Egyptians in Sinai Campaign in 1956, Israeli forces took the west Bank and the old city of Jerusalem from Jordan, most of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria. This was famous Six days War, a legend of modern warfare. On that year the one eye jack man named Moshe Dayan appear on our Television screen and give me a good impressive image as a child.


Yom Kippur War.

Moshe Dayan seemed invincible, superhuman until a surprise attack on October 6 caught Israeli forces off guard. It was Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, holiest day of the Jewish year. Nobody expected a war then Syria launched a surprised attacked from the North and Egypt from the South causing heavy damages. The Yom Kipuur War was a pivotal moment for the entire nation. Moshe Dayan stepped down as Chief of staff and defence Minister.


On September 17 at Camp David Maryland begin and Egyptian president Anwar Sadat signed the Accord


Lebanon became a base of Arab guerrilla activity, under the leadershp of Yasser Arafar, the Palestine Liberation Organisation


October 6 Anwar Sadat was assassinated by an Islamic extremist.


September 13 Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat signed a Declaration of Principles that would lead to Palestine self-governement


Yitzhak Rabin assassinated



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