Report about Passover 2001 Singapore

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Posted by Janet Ellen Shen on April 10, 2001 at 22:15:12

The Seminar "Behold the Seminar" on 7th April by Norm Franz had ended. Please do not mind my poor English grammer!.

My Preparation days for the Passover

Before I signed up I have to get permission and book for the night from my husband. After I signed up for the seminar, I was anxious about the application would be approved. Everyday I look in my mail box to check if my mail arrived. About a week later, I received the letter confirming my seat. My heart was beaming with relief delight and I thank God that I finally got the chance to experience the Passover. For the pass few days before the passover begin. I was very excited just can't wait for that day. I prepared myself a brand new best dress and a scraf. I had my hair well trim; hair styling and light make-up as though I was a "bride" preparing to meet the "bridegroom". I cleaned my home extra clean for the past few days. I read up the
scripture concerning the Passover both the Tanakh and
Brit Chadash and also reviewing my life. I also get my
children together to read the Passover scriptures and share the understanding of some basic teaching about the Passover. I look up our street to directory for the location so that I would waste time searching. All was set for the day, I was prepare both body soul and spirit.

On that day, I ensure that I arrived on time and it was so.
It wasn't so easily to get through the building as I
have to pass through Park Mall Shopping centre then via
a 4th floor car park. I was a little lost so I ask around and happen to meet a few who are on the way to the YWCA.

As I stepped in the building, it is very pleasant looking hotel enviroment. The ballroom has high ceiling, the well lighting and the peach colored wall made the room looked spacious. The Table was covered with white table cloth.
There were two white candles, the passover sedar, a few
both of grape juice and a jug ready fill grape juice.
The layout of the utensil are according to hotel standard.

The guest arrived on time, but there was some technical
difficulties so it was delayed for about 10 mins. However the Guest was patient and had a wonderful time of Mispochah" fellowship. I look around to see if there is any family faces. Some I have met on the Feast of Tabernacle 2000. I get to interact with believer around.

Wow, the Seminar had an Overwhelming good response! Now I get to know who Paul Tan was. He was gracious, cheerful, tactful and calm when he handle those who did not register or tries to sneak in without paying. Thank G_d that all the little problem get settle very quickly.

Pastor Norm Franz (a gifted Torah Base Bible teacher) begins the Passover service with the Shofar blowing. Each of the participants had a copy of "A NEW COVENANT PASSOVER HAGGADAH" "to tell the Story". The impression gave the Christian was that it looks very "ritualistic" however the believer the take time to understand and appreciated the significant of the passover. As I was near the candles, the women will light up the pair of candles sticks and the passover service commence. The details of the passover studies will be put on my website later. In the midst of the Passover Haggadah there were a team graceful dancers and lovely Jewish music. Here are the highlights of the program outline were as follows:

  • The lighting of the candles (lighted by the women)
  • The Kiddush (Santification)
  • Urchatz (Washing of hands) symbolic purify ourselves
  • Karpas (Take the Karpas represent the hyssop that was used to put the blood of the passover lamb and dip it in salt water.
  • Yachatz (breaking the middle matzoh)
  • Maggeed
  • Sh'MA - when Yeshua recited the Sh'ma he coupled it with loving God and your neighbour as the foremost commandment.
  • The four Question (Youngest child or person)
  • The story of Exodus (Psalms 105)
  • Plagues- dipping a drop of wine on a plate for each plagues
  • Dayenu "It is enough"
  • The three symbols of Pesach (shankbone, Matzoh, Herbs)
    Hallel Psalms of Praise (PSA 113)
  • Rachatz (Washing of hands)
  • Motzee Matzoh
  • Moror (Eating of the bitter herbs- horseradish)
  • Korech - placing some bitter herbs and charoses between the two pieces of Matzoh in sandwich fashion

    After this concludes the first portion of the Seder and Dinner was served.

    This is traditional Seder menu:

    • Passover wine
    • Gefilte fish on Lettuce or
    • Tossed lettuce salad
    • Matzoh ball soup
    • Roasted lamb, turkey, or chicken
    • Potato Kugel
    • Tzimmes (Candied Carrots)
    • Passover sponge cake
    • Tea or Coffee

    Next portion of the program was the gift of the Covenant (Searching of the Afikomen)

    • The Lord's Supper Communion
    • The Cup of Elijah (the forerunner)

    Finally the Leader said:"Our Seder is now complete. We
    have told the story of God's redemption in Messiah" then
    we all said: " May we join together next year to celebrate the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. May the church grow up into the fullness of Christ. May Zion be blessed, and His ancient Jewish people come to Know Him as their Messiah. Halleluyah! Then we all shout" Next year in JERUSALEM!

    After the Passover Seder was over we have the Jewish dances.
    The dancers lead us how to dance and I could only have a short session and then I have to go home as it was late. I did not want to go home late in the middle of mid night alone in dark quite street. Next morning is our usually "Lord's day worship" My children was eagerly waiting for me and gave me a big hug they wanted me to tell them the story and they ask me lots of question about the Passover. I did not bring them along because they did not have much patient to sit for a long session. However I told them that I bring them to Visit the Kibbutz Cafe to view the passover the celebration next couple of day.

    From Monday to Wednesday is Passover Holy Convocation but I
    am not sure if my husband would allow me to go. Anyway he was gracious to allow me to attend the Passover feast.
    Well that is all I have for this account of the Passover, Elements Description on the Passover Seder and Spiritual Significant
    I will be updating some of the detail of the studies on this site.

    You can also click here to contact me if you would like to share your experience of your passover.

    Also for more news and Singapore events related to our Hebraic Christian Roots please Log onto: Till then YOM Tov - Happy Pesach!

    Shalom B'Shem Yeshua,

    Janet Ellen Shen

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